Tuesday, May 11, 2010


We've had great fun learning about Shavuos. The children have learned all the names of the Chag and have understood it's various meanings. They enjoyed the stories of Har Sinai and the excitement of receiving the Torah. We have sung many songs pertaining to the Yom Tov and have learned the story of Rus which the children have enacted and played the part of Rus. They particularly enjoyed how she picked up the wheat in a tznius way. They were greatly amused by this. We discussed the farmer leaving the Payos of the field for the poor people. We spoke about giving to the poor, not being selfish with our belongings and sharing with those less fortunate.

We having rings about General life skills, making them aware of the country we live in and learning about our own homes, addresses and telephone numbers. Please re enforce this at home.

We are also doing gross motor activities in the form of running, ball skills, strengthening exercises. This is not only good for their gross motor but for their mental agility.

Have a lovely Shavuos and continue talking to your children, offering information that to you might be trivial but for them is all a learning experience and continue to encourage them to express the ideas we have learned in class.

Good Yom Tov,
Morah Adie

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