Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fourth Term

Dear Parents,

I cant believe how fast the time has flown, we are now into our fourth term. What nachas to see how the children have developed and matured over the last few months. It is such a pleasure to see the social development and mature interaction with each other. The children have become a cohesive group and work as a team, looking out for each other and being of support to their friends.

We have concentrated on Bereishes over the past few weeks. The children have far exceeded all expectations in completing their crafts and drawings. Their love and interest of the Parsha story brings enthusiasm to all who experience the excitement. The children are living the Parsha and finding it of great interest.

I hope you have seen their crafts and enjoyed their knowledge with them.

Have a wonderful SHabbos,

Morah Adie

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What a busy term we are having.The other day we read a book called The Topsy Turvey's which the children thoroughly enjoyed. We decided to have some fun with this and the children each drew a topsy turvey picture of a house.

Here are a few examples of their very creative pictures:

Friday, July 30, 2010

Our Mitzvah train

We are working on a Playschool Mitzvah Project. The children from each class are learning two Mitzvos in depth and are creating a beautiful Mitzvah train across the Playschool. Our class's Mitzvos are Ahavas Yisroel and Tzedokah. The children have done an excellent job! These are photos of our train but make sure to come and see it live!

Friday, June 4, 2010

This weeks Parsha mentions the Mitzvah of Lehafrish Challah- separating the Challah. In honour of the Parsha we made Challah for Shabbos.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


We've had great fun learning about Shavuos. The children have learned all the names of the Chag and have understood it's various meanings. They enjoyed the stories of Har Sinai and the excitement of receiving the Torah. We have sung many songs pertaining to the Yom Tov and have learned the story of Rus which the children have enacted and played the part of Rus. They particularly enjoyed how she picked up the wheat in a tznius way. They were greatly amused by this. We discussed the farmer leaving the Payos of the field for the poor people. We spoke about giving to the poor, not being selfish with our belongings and sharing with those less fortunate.

We having rings about General life skills, making them aware of the country we live in and learning about our own homes, addresses and telephone numbers. Please re enforce this at home.

We are also doing gross motor activities in the form of running, ball skills, strengthening exercises. This is not only good for their gross motor but for their mental agility.

Have a lovely Shavuos and continue talking to your children, offering information that to you might be trivial but for them is all a learning experience and continue to encourage them to express the ideas we have learned in class.

Good Yom Tov,
Morah Adie

Monday, April 19, 2010

Welcome back

Welcome back to the new term. I hope you all had a good Pesach and received lots of nachas from your children.

We have started the new term with many exciting themes. The children went on a nature walk to collect different coloured leaves and were fascinated by the different colours and textures of the autumn leaves. We have been talking about animals that sleep during the winter. The children learned a new word that fascinated them, that being HIBERNATION.

We correlated the colours of the leaves with those of the fire for Lag Ba'omer. We discussed the danger and beauty of fire and the reason for lighting bonfires on Lag Ba'omer- that being illuminating the light of Torah.

We have also been discussing Rabbi Akiva's story of how while watching the sheep he saw water dripping on a rock creating an indentation and how it encouraged him to start learning Torah. We discussed the role of his intelligent and supportive wife Rochel.

I am sure 'Soccer Fever' is spilling over at home. We have bought new soccer balls and are having great fun getting fit and active (The girls also.)

We have chosen South Africa as our country to explore and learn about. We will be investigating the different foods, animals and plants. Any world cup paraphernalia will be welcome to decorate our classroom. We have now acquired a South African flag.

The Aleph Beis Programme is continuing with Morah Chaya. Some children have even completed their first book.

I believe that Helen, our social workers workshop will be most beneficial to all parents. It will take place from TOMORROW, every Tuesday from 12pm to 1 pm.

I try to keep the children up to date with world events and we have been discussing the volcanic eruption in Iceland. The children are fascinated by it.

Please come talk to me if there are any issues that you are worried about concerning your child.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Experiential learning about Pesach...

In order to bring Pesach to life, before going on to the playground yesterday, the Morahs explained that there would be a sensory table out with sand and water for the children to build bricks, just like the Yidden had to in Mitzrayim!
The children loved the experience. They worked together with Morah Nadine's class, enhancing the depth of the experience.

Here are snippets of the conversation between the 2 classes:
Morah: What are you building?
Batya Stern and Aviel: The Beis Hamikdash.
Eitan Henen: This is the wet sand to make bricks.
Morah: Who made bricks?
Eitan Henen: The Yidden.
Morah: Who told them to?
Eitan Henen: Pharaoh.
Zahara: Because King Pharaoh made them work very hard.

Simultaneously at another table this is the conversation that occurred:
Lior: We're making bricks.
Morah: Who had to make bricks?
Batya Waks: The Yidden.
Morah: Who told them to?
All: King Pharoh!
Lior: Bricks are rectangles.
Ora: Some are squares. A shape is a square.
Naama: I'm making a circle.
Ora: How we gonna make a square? You can make a square like this...(and she demonstrates with her hands!)

Batya Stern: Look at all the water.

Ora: Our brick gets dry. It gets water and it gets dry!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Center time!!

Working on our fine motor skills through doing puzzels.

"Were making pictures and Queen Esthers for Purim!"

"Aarons making all kinds of motorbikes."

"I'm making a cage for the animals. And this is the farmer."

"Its a police station."

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Morah Adie's class plants for Tu b Shvat

Batya: Dad- you know why I'm making this? For Tu b Shvat!"
Ayala: They pretty, hey?
Ella: Ya!
Morah: Why do we need water?
Batya: That it will grow!
Ella: Me and daddy will plant it. I'll say "Daddy can you and I plant it?"

Ariel: It's dirty, hey?
Lior: It look like a tree.
Naama: Yeah!
Lior: They not trees they plants!
Aliza: Tu b Shvat.
Naama: Ow, it's ticklish.
Lior: It's all mud here.
Naama: Because then it can't grow
Aliza with delight: MUD!!! Such a mess!!
Aliza: Mud is a mess. Mud is yuck!
Lior: I need somme more!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Welcome to the new TA Nursery school blog

This is your way of seeing what is going on in your child's class, and in the school as a whole!
Stay tuned for photos, information and other wonderful learning experiences happening with your child, grandchild, niece, nepthew etc...
Feel free to comment, but remember your comments are public!
Looking forward to this wonderful way of connecting school and home!